Hallo liebe Leute.


So it really is about time to put up some beef about the project.   Just so you dont think its all just surfing and all.   After all, its almost 9hours of each of Julias workdays, and a bit of off-and-on for me, although i am currently more working on expanding my filming adventures here.    For starters, here are some videostills from the documentary i made about the project:



Opening Shot, Local Fisher Doodes, die welt, Marc Writing, Fisherman On The Way To Rivermouth, Writing Kit, Captured Dynamite Fisher, Ju as International Agent, Darwin Filming, Kids In Dibut



Baler Area, Riverfishing, Flying Fish Captured, Young Mangroves, Cemento Reef´s Beach, Ju Telling Us..., Romantic Snorkeling For The Camera, Carabao (the type of cow from the end-scene of ApocalypseNow)



Community Organizer Jimi at Work, Fisherman Impression, Kids, Barrio Chiefs Campaigning, Evening Mood In Dibut, Summary With Feet, Jimi´s Teaching, Fisherman Paying Attention


So there you go, ..the second from the bottom on the right explains the elements of the project:


Community Organizing means that trainers and teachers go to the local fisher communities and tell them again and again how fucking everything up around them is not the most clever idea, if they want to keep fishing succesfully, and getting them to be active and strong together.   Strongly simplified. Ju will hate me.


Coral reef assesment is all the diving stuff you see above, diving, writing down and filming what there is to see, and then repeating the same thing again after a while to see how its changing.    I wish i had already had a scuba-diving license at the time of taking this footage, because filming while snokeling is not that easy..... Oh and  the two people diving hand in hand are ju and me of course, with the camera fixed to some corals.  Carefully of course.


Reef and Mangrove rehab.    Planting new plants and establishing protected areas, for the locals to take care of.


Alternative livelihood.  Offering alternatives to the fishermen, because there are simply too many of them.  Farming, Tourism, err... working as DJs, ...rocket science...etc.


Information Campaign.  Letting everybody know what is going on/wrong, and what exactly we are trying to do, to get support and be understood.


Yesterday we moved into our own building (which is about five minutes from the famous reef break of baler, a surfspot from where you will get photos as soon as the "autumn" swells really start coming in) and Ju and I now have our own office to work from.  Good.  Ah damn. I really dont feel that inspired to write today, just enjoy the photos, please, and excuse me until next time....


We are well, and sending good vibes....

Take care of yourselfes!



Marten  (the official writer and journalist of the family,... says Julia wishing to have more time for this beautiful task)